Food and Culinary Tours near Athens International Airport
Our beloved friend Marina Kavalieraki made her dream come true by founding Vouryia, a officially licensed travel agency based in Athens promoting the region of eastern Attica as a food destination. With her team of colleagues, Marina provides original cultural and culinary experiences based on authenticity and locality. Her passion and love for local cuisine, as well as her educational skills will travel you through this unique experiences of tastes, flavors and colours, at the magical scenery of Mesogea plains, next door from Athens International Airport.
Enjoy a private culinary class in Athens and learn how to prepar Greek traditional dishes that you will devour afterwards. Around the table, Marina will chat, laugh and drink greek wine with you. Want to learn the secrets of Greek cuisine by a local cooking expert? This authentic experience is right for you!
Breathe, taste, cook, chill out with Marina and her picnic treats, food tasting trips and original cultural experiences. Do not forget to say "hi" to her from us!