Messolonghi Lagoon is a favourite birding destination all year round. Even in summer, it offers a great many interesting species that breed in the wetland or the surrounding areas.
That's why when James C Greenwood, member of the board of the National Audubon Society contacted us for a full day birding trip, Messolonghi was, undoubtedly, the place to go.
We started very early (05.30) from Athens so as to spend as much time as possible at the area, since it is a full 3 hours' drive (a large part of the national road leading to Messolonghi is under construction).
When we reached the lagoon, we enjoyed the view of several passerines that were moving in the dense reedbeds;
Cetti's, Reed and
Great Reed Warblers, along with
Penduline Tits, were abundant.
The lagoon itself was full of terns:
Little, Common, Caspian, Gull-billed Terns all breed there, while there were also
Whiskered, Black and
White-winged T
erns. There were also several
Dalmatian Pelicans,
Black-winged Stilts and
Some Little Terns are still mating, while others have already chicks |
Oystercatchers |
Other interesting birds found at the lagoon include
Little and
Great Egrets,
Grey and
Purple Herons,
Stone Curlews and
Kentish Plovers. The most interesting passerines were the
Rufous Bush Robin, the
Zitting Cisticola and the
Spanish Sparrow.
Male Spanish Sparrow |
Close to the lagoon is the small village of Lesini. A small but increasing (thanks to nestboxes put the last few years) population of
Lesser Kestrels is the greatest attraction. A
Honey Buzzard, mobbed by the Lesser Kestrels, was also a very nice sighting.
Male Lesser Kestrel |
The "intruder" Honey Buzzard |
Another interesting site close to the area is the Lesini Ash Forest, home to woodpeckers, like the
Middle and the
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker |
Tired but happy after a very productive trip, we stood for the typical "selfie"!