The area of Meteora and Mt Antichasia is and ideal birding destination in spring, especially from mid April to late May, when all the summer visitors have arrived and migration is still running.
Mt Antichasia lies at Central Greece, close to the city of Trikala. It is mainly covered with deciduous woodland Oaks (Quercus spp.) being the dominant tree. River Ion flows at the north and west slopes of the mountain, and the riparian forest consists of Planes (Platanus orientalis) and Willows (Salix spp.).
Meteora, apart from being a very popular tourist destination because of the unique rocks and the monasteries, is also the home of the last Egyptian Vultures of Central Greece...This very rare vulture declined rapidly in the last 20 years and now only a couple of pairs still remain in the area...
Egyptian Vulture
Other interesing raptors breeding in the area include the Lesser Spotted Eagle, the Lanner, the Black Kite, the Levant Sparrowhawk and the Short-toed Eagle
Black Kite
Mt Antichasia is also home to Bee-eaters, Cuckoos, Golden Orioles, Turtle Doves and Rollers. These summer visitors come every year and breed in large numbers in the woods.
The riparian forest is the best habitat to look for the Semi-collared Flycatcher. This rare flycatcher has a quite dense breeding population along the river and singing males are quite easy to find.
Semi-collared Flycatcher