August is coming at its end and bird migration has stepped up. Garganeys have appeared in the tiny Loutsa Lagoon, along with Teal, Snipe and Ringed Plover. The Ferruginous Ducks are still there, along with a few Black-winged Stitls, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers.
Vravrona wetland hold a great number of Reed Warblers (no Marsh, unfortunately, so far...) and a Teal was moving at the mouth of Erasinos river.
Much more common in winter, the Teal is also a regular passage migrant |
Reed Warblers are found in all the wetlands of Attica at this time of year |
Lesser Grey Shrikes are still on the move, as are
Woodchat Shrikes. Swifts and hirundines show up in large flocks, as birds from the north have started their journey south. A flock of more than 60
White Storks flew over Schinias National Park, heading southeast.