Kastoria is located at the northwest of Greece, close to the borders with Albania. Its lake is one of the most beautiful in Greece and also one of the most important for birdlife. A colony of c.80
Pygmy Cormorants is found at the city centre(!) whule
Dalmatians Pelicans and
Great White Pelicans are very common visitors during the breeding season, the former being also very common in winter. Even waterfowl species, that in other areas are very shy, have become accustomed to human presence and can be seen very close to the shore (just like in cities of western Europe). The surrounding landscape is also fascinating: the mountain ranges of Grammos and Vitsi hold large numbers of woodland and alpine bird species as well as numerous rare flowers.
In the city, there are plenty of hotels and taverns and there are daily direct flights from/to Athens. This is really a place to visit as it offers birdwatching in a amazing, picturesque site!
Dalmatian Pelicans can be seen resting at the small fishing boat refuges |
Waterfowl, like this Pochard, are everywhere, especially close to the city! |
The sole urban colony of Pygmy Cormorants in Greece (and most probably the world!) is found at Kastoria |