May is probably the best month to visit Lake Dystos in Evvoia. All the summer visitors have arrived, including
Olive-tree Warbler, Black-headed Bunting, Cretzchmar's Bunting and Eastern Orphean Warbler.
Olive-tree Warblers are one of the most secretive passerines, found in mature olive groves |
Black-headed Buntings are still abundant in the adjacent vineyards and the surrounding maquis-covered hills
Spring passage is still evident, with flocks of Red-footed Falcons and Eleonora's Falcons looking in the open areas for large insects.
Eleonora's Falcons are regular visitors in spring and early summer, preying on large insects
May is the best month to check for Red-footed Falcons
Furthermore, the lake is home to many interesting wetland species, like
Little Bittern, Purple Heron, Ferruginous Duck and
Bittern (one of the very few sites in Greece that hold breeding populations of this rare heron). Not to forget also the surrounding hills with good populations of
Rock Partridge, Subalpine and
Ruppell's Warbler.