Late May is most probably the best month to visit Lake Dystos and the surroundings, if you want to see the breeding specialties; even the late-coming Olive-tree Warblers have taken their posts, while Black-headed Buntings are abundant. Almost every electricity post has at least one Lesser Kestrel perching, while the nearby hills are crowded with Sylvia warblers, including the Ruppell's Warbler, that has a rather restricted range in mainland Greece.
Ruppell's Warbler is common in the slopes of Koskinas Mt, south of Prasino village
Lesser Kestrels can be seen everywhere close to the lake, feeding on large insects
In the lake itself, Purple Herons, Ferruginous Ducks and Little Bitterns are summer visitors, while at least 2 pairs of Bitterns are resident, although all of them are hard to see due to the thick reedbeds covering almost every inch of the lake...If you add raptors like Long-legged Buzzard, Short-toed Eagle, Eleonora's Falcon (common non-breeding summer visitor), then surely you have a quite impressive bird count for such a low-profile site!
for birdwatchers.