A new species for Greece was added this weekend! A Pallas's Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus, Νανοφυλλοσκόπος, was recorded in Mt Hymettus, very close to Athens! The bird was first seen by Michalis Kotsakis, a keen birdwatcher and very soon the word was spread and almost every Athenian birdwatcher paid a visit to the site. Fortunately the bird was very "hospital" and everybody got a very good look at it, as it was singing all the time, making its presence very clear, and showing no fear to human presence. Unfortunately, as a true "hybrid" of Phylloscopus warbler and Regulus crest, it was moving restlessly from one branch to another, making it very hard to capture it on film....
Breaking News! New species in Greek checklist!
April 04, 2011