First of all, we saw Alpine Accentor (in Giona Mt) and Horned Lark (Parnassos Mt.), two beatiful alpine species. Also Alpine Coughs (more than 200 birds in both mountains). Brambling, was also a new species for
We also had a short ride to Sperchios Delta, were we saw Montagu's Harrier, Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Common Buzzard, Kestrel, Merlin

Horned Lark - Χιονάδα

Alpine Accentor - Χιονοψάλτης

Montagu's Harrier - Λιβαδόκιρκος

Redstart - Φινίκουρος

Coal Tit - Ελατοπαπαδίτσα

Black Redstart - Καρβουνιάρης

Sparrowhawk - Ξεφτέρι